Friday photo-new curtain!

new curtain!

This is the new curtain I bought for the living room window. I ordered it from Amazon, and it arrived in two days, even though it was from an outside vendor!

For those of you who have never seen it in real life, here’s the old curtain:


So, you can see why I’m so happy. The new curtain is much shorter…but it’s long enough to cover the window and for the bottom to be unseen behind the couch. Good enough for now.

By the way…I think pinch-pleated draperies and drapery hooks should be abolished. Gah.

But anyway…yeah. Happy Erin. Hope everyone’s having a pleasant Friday!

4 thoughts on “Friday photo-new curtain!

  1. We have totally different curtain taste 🙂 My house is currently full of far too many sheers (living room are the ones we had in our apartment) and the dining room ones were there when I moved in…

    I can`t believe you had the other curtain so long!!!

  2. I left up the “blackout” curtains my mom made for Rand’s surprise party (I asked her to lend me some dark material so I could temporarily cover the windows – but she made me curtains instead!). Someday, I may switch back to the light crocheted ones that were there when I moved in.

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