Reading, watching, listening

Reading: I finished the other two books in the Scott Westerfield trilogy, Pretties and Specials. The trilogy was interesting. I didn’t find it earth-shattering or anything, but it did raise some interesting questions. I can see why middle school English teachers would like it.

Watching: Last week, Rand and I watched Hot Fuzz (which I already talked about). There was lots of random TV watching this week…like bits and pieces of VH1’s 100 One-Hit Wonders (or something) hosted by William Shatner.

Thanksgiving night, we watched Christmas Vacation, which never ceases to amuse me. (I giggle every single time they shake the box and it meows.) I just learned that the movie was written by John Hughes–I should have realized the connection between the embarrassing visiting grandparents in this move and in Sixteen Candles.

While I was doing laundry and other random tasks, Rand watched Slime City, a dreadfully, hilariously bad horror movie from 1988. We met the director (who is from Fredonia and now lives in Buffalo) at that comic book/memorabilia show a couple of weeks ago. Rand traded him an Ookla CD for a copy of the movie. I ended up watching about the last third of it with him. I wouldn’t say the movie is *good*, but it was entertaining. One thing that was interesting that we both commented on was that we think Zachary Quinto (Sylar on Heroes) has seen and studied the lead actor from this movie.

Listening: Elliott Smith, Brian Regan (sometimes very funny, sometimes not so much…), Lewis Black at Carnegie Hall (not nearly as funny as I’d hoped it would be), some Christmas music, and a bunch of other stuff that I can’t seem to remember right now.

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