Weekend wrap-up

The weekend was fun, mellow and relaxing. Here are some of the highlights…

Spend Friday afternoon with a couple of Rand’s friends up from Houghton. We ate lunch at the Village Grille (best. hummus. ever.) and went to see Be Kind Rewind. I liked the movie. It was very funny, and also very touching.

Later, Rand and I watched The Darjeeling Limited, which Rand had just bought. It was as quirky as you would expect, coming from Wes Anderson, but enjoyable. I don’t think it was as good as Rushmore or The Royal Tenenbaums, but I liked it.

Saturday…breakfast and discussion of weddingstuff. Then grocery shopping. We also watched Once, which we’ve had sitting around from Netflix, oh, forever. I liked it a lot. We immediately purchased the soundtrack. (One note, though…could not stop crying. Seriously. I cried for about ten minutes after the movie was over.)

Sunday, we went out and played at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, looking for items we want to include on our registry.

Other things we watched over the weekend…a couple of episodes of Freaks and Geeks, a couple of episodes of Sex and the City (in watching the early episodes, I remember that I was a Carrie-Big fan. It was later that I jumped ship.) I’m probably forgetting something, but oh well.

And as always, the weekend went by too quickly, and I am at work. Happy Monday!

2 thoughts on “Weekend wrap-up

  1. Ooo! In about 15 minutes M and I are going to register at Bed Bath and Beyond. I am so excited! Whoo hooo!

    I wanted to see Be Kind and Rewind! Now, I know it is worth going to see!

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. Re: Carrie Bradshaw

    She did behave badly and selfishly at times, but for me, she redeemed herself in “I Heart NY,” the last episode of season 4. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it, but she made the right decision. I liked her much more after that.

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