Burn him!

Oh, boy. This has to be among the most ridiculous things I’ve read lately:

Kerry cited in Catholic heresy case

Heresy? Heresy? Good Lord, let’s just bring back the inquisition.

Thanks to all things jen(nifer) for bringing this one to my attention.

And since I’ve brought up a presidential candidate, allow me to wax philosophical on politics for a moment. (I don’t do this too often…) I don’t think of myself as a very “political” person. I have a good idea of where I stand on most issues. I slant liberal on a good many issues, including education, health care, and most social issues (ie, gay marriage). I am woefully underinformed on economic issues and foreign policy.

In general, I dislike politics. This is why…because people tend to be so blinded by partisanship that they can’t even listen to each other. All that seems to matter is being right, and making the other side wrong. The fact that it was such a big deal in the press that Kerry and McCain are (gasp!) friends was a great source of irritation for me. Why is it such a big deal to be friends with someone in the opposing party? Those in office are often so corrupted by the special interests that got them there that they lose sight of what they’re there for…to represent the people who elected them. Once elected, all that matters is reelection.

I know what I believe, but I like to think that I’m open minded enough to listen to other opinions without calling anyone names. Is it so hard to say “I disagree with you, but you make some good points”? We attack people for “flip flopping” or being “wishy washy,” but I think I would prefer to have someone in office who is reasonable enough to listen to arguments on either side of an issue and be open minded than to have someone who is so dead set in his opinions and beliefs that he cannot be budged, even if he’s wrong. Sometimes, you have to be willing to meet in the middle in order to accomplish anything.

On the other hand, some convictions need to be stuck to.

As far as the upcoming election goes, I’ll definitely be voting for Kerry…but for once in my life, I’d like to be inspired by a candidate. I’d like to vote for someone, instead of against the other guy.

Is that too much to ask?

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