Things to do

I wanted to make myself a public list of things I would like to do/accomplish in the next year of my life:

1. Write

At the very least, I owe my good friend Eden a short story. (from that “pay it forward” handmade thing on facebook…she specifically requested a story. hee)

I’d also like to maybe do some songwriting…many, many years ago, I was writing song lyrics. I don’t write music, though, so they just sat there. Oddly enough, I now know someone (well, LOTS of someones, actually, but I LIVE WITH one of them) who does…so, I’m thinking maybe I should revisit that creative outlet!

2. Sing better

I’m not a terrible singer, but yo, I’m sometimes a little pitchy, dawg. I want to work on that, and get more confident. If anyone has any tips or advice, please feel free to share!

3. Learn an instrument?

Uh, yeah. But what? I have no idea. Rand has mentioned the ukelele a couple of times. Now, by no means am I talking about becoming technically proficient at anything, but I think learning a few songs on some instrument might be a reasonable goal.

4. Learn some ASL

This is something I’ve been wanting to do for years and years and years. Again, if anyone has suggestions of resources (videos? YouTube?), send ’em my way!

That’s probably enough for now…I thought maybe putting it out there into the world would help. I’ll keep you all updated. 😉

2 thoughts on “Things to do

  1. Haha…yeah. 😉

    I have to post something about that again, because I don’t remember who all I owe, and I’m not sure I’ll ever find the post.

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