Right on…

Sometimes you read something and think, “Damn. I wish I had written that.”

This is one of those times.

Please hop over to Tequila Mockingbird and read this post about the presidential election.

Apart from the bit about once being a registered Republican, I’m with her all the way.

I’m scared, too.

The one thing that I will add is that, it seems to me, the country has become more divided in these past few years, not less so. It makes me sad. It makes me even sadder that I do not have one ounce of faith in President Bush’s willingness or ability to put us back together.

It makes me sad to know that so many of my fellow Americans’ “morals” hinge on hate and intolerance.

Yesterday, while I was in my editor’s office, I spotted a letter to the editor written in response to a local Catholic college’s participation in National Coming Out Day. This woman was outraged and sickened by the display. I wish I had a copy of the letter in front of me. It sickened me. I don’t understand how so many people can spew such venom in the name of God. If your God tells you such hatred is good, just and holy, I don’t want any part of it.

How can these people call themselves Christians? I will never understand.

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