Something that irks me

I just got one of those Catholic email forwards, this one a call to action to block Sen. Arlen Specter from becoming chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.



Soon, the Republican members of the Judiciary Committee must select a chairman to replace the term-limited Sen. Orin Hatch, who generally has voted pro-life. Ordinarily, this job would go to the most-senior Republican committee member who does not chair some other major committee. However, in this case, that senior committee member is Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa.

Specter would be a disaster as chairman of the Judiciary Committee. He has a strongly pro-abortion record, and he is one of the leading champions of human cloning. In 1987, as a member of the Judiciary Committee, Specter played a key role in defeating President Reagan’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Robert Bork, an opponent of Roe.

On Nov. 3, the day after the election, Specter said he considers Roe v. Wade “inviolate,” and indicated that nominees who do not support abortion cannot be confirmed.

The term “pro-abortion” is what I find most irksome. I’ve said this before, I know, but I’ll say it again. I would be shocked to speak to someone who *likes* the idea of abortion. This terminology was so ingrained into my consciousness that it wasn’t until I went to college that I realized one could be pro-choice AND be personally opposed to the idea of abortion. That’s, like, what pro-choice means. The notion of being “pro-abortion” is completely ludicrous to me.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that what Specter said is that he doesn’t believe Roe should be oveturned, and that he would not be in favor of confirming nominees who do. Which is not quite what this email says.

Bad, bad Republican Arlen Specter, for not falling in with the super-conservative party line. You are eeeeeeevil.

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