
I am back in WNY. Lots of post-vacation errandthings to do (like groceries and laundry). I hope to get some photos posted sometime soon.

Many thanks to everyone who wished us a happy anniversary/expressed sympathy about my grandfather’s death. Both meant a lot to me during this past week.

Rand and I brought an end to our vacation this morning with massages at Excuria–a wedding gift from Ron, Melissa, and the girls. (thank you!) I don’t know why it took us so long to use it, but it was nice to still be enjoying wedding gifts a year later!

Okay, that’s it for now. More later. Happy Friday!

Three months

You can read about Rand’s and my little cake tradition over at the wedding blog.

Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend! 🙂


Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! 😀

And happy anniversary to my good friend Eden.

As for me, I’m just happy it’s a Friday. Now where did I put my rum?

I’m back, to post a silly pirate joke:

A pirate walks into a bar, and he has a steering wheel sticking out of the front of his pants.

The bartender says, “Hey, do you know you’ve got a steering wheel sticking out of the front of your pants?”

And the pirate says, “Arrrr, it’s drivin’ me nuts!

Thanks, folks…I’m here all week…