Meet Seanan

I know many of you don’t need to be introduced to my dear friend Seanan McGuire, but for those of you who do…I’d like to spend some time telling you how awesome she is.

Seanan threatens to eat me

(Seanan will occasionally try to eat your face. Do not be alarmed.)

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Poking my head out for a moment

1. School is going well. Busy, of course…but not in a bad way. I have taken on some new responsibilities this year that eat up a little more of my time (junior class moderator, trying to get a creative writing club off the ground), but am generally enjoying it all.

2. I am already hopelessly behind on grading. I think I just have to accept the fact that I will never be at zero.

3. Schedule makes it hard to find social time, me time, even internet time beyond scanning mail/twitter/facebook updates. Brain gets swiss-cheesy at times, so I apologize if I’ve neglected to answer a message!

4. Yet somehow managing to play Words with Friends on my new iPod. (join me! I’m eringoblog)

5. Have assigned my AP Lit classes an outside reading project. They have to read at least one AP-worthy book per quarter and complete a project. I am pledging to knock some books off of my to-read list by making time to read at least one of the listed books per quarter as well. The Namesake is first on my list.

6. Saw this excellent post on LJ which is what prompted me to log in and actually post. I’m going to do a linky, ala Kelly:

We love binaries because everything in our culture is set up around them. Light and dark, yin and yang, good and evil. But they are poison and lead inevitably to the worst one: us and them.

7. I STILL haven’t gotten around to writing proper reviews, but I’ve read two amazing books by my dear, dear friend (and Campbell Award Winner!) Seanan McGuire:

FEED (as Mira Grant), and An Artificial Night. Both were amazing, and I can’t recommend them highly enough. 🙂

8. I don’t remember what number 8 was. Maybe another time.