How well do you know me-answers

Yes, this is the quiz that’s been making its way around facebook. I’m amused by it. If you’re not, feel free to move along. 😉

Click here to take it on facebook (if you’re my friend there), or just see below the break for the answers!

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How well do you know me?

Yes, this is the quiz that’s been making its way around facebook. I’m amused by it. If you’re not, feel free to move along. 😉

Click here to take it on facebook (if you’re my friend there), or see below the break. I’ll post the answers (with commentary) in the next couple of days.

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Birth order quiz thingy

You Are Likely an Only Child

At your darkest moments, you feel frustrated.

At work and school, you do best when you’re organizing.

When you love someone, you tend to worry about them.

In friendship, you are emotional and sympathetic.

Your ideal careers are: radio announcer, finance, teaching, ministry, and management.

You will leave your mark on the world with organizational leadership, maybe as the author of self-help books.

In fact, I am an “oldest” (of two), but I’ve always suspected that I had more than a little “only” in me, as I was 7 when my brother was born.

100% Pittsburgh

You are 100% Pittsburgh

Great job! There’s nooooo doubt about it. You’re from Da Burgh. You deserve a reward, so go have an Ahrn City or two. And GO STILLERS!

How Pittsburgh Are You
See All Our Quizzes

Although, the fact that I understand Pittsuburghese doesn’t necessarily mean I *speak* Pittsburghese. 😉

(I do, though, catch myself doing the whole “The grass needs cut” thing…)

Seen at So Anyway