Awesome spoof, or horrifying ignorance?

So, the internet has been all abuzz with speculation about this video on YouTube:

Is it for real? Or is it a well-done satire?

I’m in the satire camp. Evidence for satire:

1. Apparently, although they’ve been removed, the video originally included the tags Poe’s law and Henry Fielding.

2. I’m not sure the Indian girl’s accent is real. (It seems to slip in and out a bit…especially in the newer video “Going Green for God.”)

3. I don’t think these girls are as young as they’re pretending to be.

4. They’re trying not to crack up at the end.

5. Molly’s comments. Some examples:

“No, the reaction I got was nothing less than superb.”

LadyMurasaki2: >Poe’s Law

You’re the greatest. 10/10

Molly: [Thank You in Japanese]—thanks, Babelfish!

“You are so mean, calling my friend irregular, omg.”

What do you think?