The loneliest number

So I’m over the little snit I was in last night about losing my not really very long or very important post…here are the highlights.

Yesterday and the day before, I was in an AIS (Academic Intervention Services) classroom. Very small groups. Their assignment? Play Scrabble. Now *that* was a rough couple of days. πŸ˜‰ I even got to play a game the last period of the day yesterday. There were only three students in the group.

It was kind of nice being in the AIS room…shared with three other teachers. See, ordinarily, substitute teaching is a terribly solitary experience. You spend the day isolated from other teachers. And at lunch, you constantly feel like the new kid. Even if you’re subbing frequently at the same school, chances are, you don’t frequently have the same lunch period. So every day, it’s a new group of faces, all in their own little worlds. I swear, when I have a full time job, I’m going to make it a point to be extra friendly to the subs at lunch. πŸ˜‰

I went to the temp agency to try and get placed for the summer…so far nothing. I did do very well on the office skills tests. I type 66 WPM. Go, me. πŸ˜‰

I know I have lots more to say, but I have neither the time nor the inclination to do it now.

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