I *heart* Harry Potter

I am so excited about the new Harry Potter movie. šŸ™‚

I don’t know when I’m going to go see it, though. I would like to go see it this weekend, which would mean going by myself. Yes, I could go alone, but I’ve never been a fan of going to the movies alone. Ah, we’ll see…

I read an article in which Daniel Radcliffe, the boy who plays Harry, speculates that Harry won’t survive the final book. Well, that just wouldn’t be cool. Frodo saved Middle Earth without plunging into the Cracks of Doom with the ring! Meg rescued Charles Wallace from IT and beat the dark thing without anyone dying! Buffy….oh, wait, Buffy DID die to save the world. But she came back! So listen, JK Rowling? Don’t kill Harry. Thank you.

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