Almost time!

So, NaNoWriMo begins tomorrow…I’d expect posting here to be fairly light. I do plan to post regular-ish updates, if for no other reason than to keep me honest. 🙂

Feel free to stop by and poke, prod, harass, intimidate, and if necessary, bribe me to keep going!

I WILL finish this year.

Oh, and Happy Halloween!

3 thoughts on “Almost time!

  1. poke, prod, harass, intimidate, these I am good with. But a writer can never be bribed into writing. Which is very easy for me to say since I am constantly bribed into photographing.

  2. Huzzah! You’re a brave soul. 🙂

    I’m thinking of attempting to use NaNoWriMo to kickstart myself into more songwriting. National Album Writing Month? Something like that…

    I once thought I’d make it National Comic Drawing Month (NaCoDraMo!) and do a short graphic novel based on a friend’s short story… but various things intervened that year and I’ve never attempted it since.

    I’m kinda chicken. 🙂 Have you done Nanowrimo before? How does it work out for you as a prompt/motivation/etc?

  3. I’ve attempted twice before, but given up very early in the month. I am determined not to let that happen this time!

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