Movie geekery

On Saturday night, Rand, John and I did a superhero double-feature at the cheap theater. We saw Spider-Man 3 followed by Fantastic 4 2.

In conversation before the movies, I said, “I don’t know anything about the Fantastic 4.”

“Well,” John said, “There’s four of them.”

Har, har…


I had not seen the first Fantastic 4 movie. My major complaint has been that Jessica Alba looks terrible as a blonde. More on that later.*

I had seen the other Spider-Man movies, though. I think Tobey Maguire does a good Peter Parker, and I enjoy Kirsten Dunst.

I enjoyed Spidey 3, but I thought it was a touch on the long side. The whole business with Venom could have been left out and saved for another movie. It had no real consequence and seemed kind of wedged in.

The emotional stuff, though, was fantastic. I cried through the entire third act of the movie. The hits just kept on coming. The resolution of Harry’s story was very well done. (except for one little quibble–why didn’t the butler open his mouth sooner? ah well…)

As for FF…it was fun, but mostly forgettable. The Silver Surfer looked cool. I thought the scene where the team holds up the giant ferris wheel in London was pretty convincingly done. Rand keeps saying the FF would play better as a TV show, and I think I agree. This movie would have been much better suited to the small screen.

Thus ends my movie geekery for this week.

*If you insist that Jessica Alba must play Sue Storm, for crying out loud, find a better shade of blonde for her. It just looks completely artificial and awful.

2 thoughts on “Movie geekery

  1. Lord – FF 4 was AWFUL! I don’t know what they did to Jessica Alba, but she looked like crap. She looked OK in the first film, but by the sequel, ugh! Terrible! I agree that a TV show might work better. I liked Spiderman 3, but think the second one was better. I love Tobey McGuire though, so could have done with plenty more of him. There were plenty of plot holes that you could have driven a truck through.

  2. I saw the first Spiderman and Fantastic Four movies with my ex. If he thinks I didn’t make sacrifices in our relationship, then he is sorely mistaken!!!!!

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