Blogging by mail!

Earlier this week, I received my Blogging by Mail package from Music and Cats.

It was simply fabulous and filled with gingery goodness!

I got two containers of home-baked goodies, including the best ginger snaps ever. I anxiously await the recipe. πŸ˜‰

ETA: recipe (with photos) posted here! Yay!

I also got some homemade blueberry currant jam, and some mandarin orange marmalade.

There was a bottle of ginger pineapple teriyaki sauce that I’m looking forward to trying, a package of chocolate-covered ginger(!) some lavendar vanilla soap, and lavendar picked from her garden.

I haven’t taken a photo, but I plan to. πŸ™‚ Sadly, there will be no cookies in the photo, because I ate them…

ETA: here’s the photo

blogging-by-mail package

Anyway, thank you thank you thank you!

I mailed my package out last week, but since it was going to Switzerland, it’s gonna be a while before it gets there. Sometime around when it arrives, I’ll do a lengthy post with images and links. I send a bunch of Buffalo-type foods, a CD of local (and local-ish) music, and (in lieu of an actual recipe) instructions for making my famous meatballs. Maybe next time I make meatballs, I’ll document it photographically.


5 thoughts on “Blogging by mail!

  1. Hooray!

    She said she packed it full of ginger, and it’s clear she wasn’t kidding!

    Now, aren’t you happy you signed up?

    I just got my package today, too…pictures will be up later tonight. Whee!

  2. Pingback: All Things Jennifer » Smile! Ginger Cookies On The Way!

  3. Pingback: Smile! Ginger Cookies On The Way! « All Things Jennifer

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