A few of my favorite posts

This is something I’ve meant to do for a long time now…a collection of some of my favorite posts from over the years. I’ll include some of my wedding blog posts too!

We are…heartbroken (Nov. 15, 2011)

What’s in a name? (Nov. 28, 2007)

Like a horse and carriage (Feb. 15, 2006)

Friday ponderings (Jan. 21, 2005)

You can learn how to be you in time (Dec. 9, 2004)

That’s it for now…possibly to be amended later.

Things to do

I wanted to make myself a public list of things I would like to do/accomplish in the next year of my life:

1. Write

At the very least, I owe my good friend Eden a short story. (from that “pay it forward” handmade thing on facebook…she specifically requested a story. hee)

I’d also like to maybe do some songwriting…many, many years ago, I was writing song lyrics. I don’t write music, though, so they just sat there. Oddly enough, I now know someone (well, LOTS of someones, actually, but I LIVE WITH one of them) who does…so, I’m thinking maybe I should revisit that creative outlet!

2. Sing better

I’m not a terrible singer, but yo, I’m sometimes a little pitchy, dawg. I want to work on that, and get more confident. If anyone has any tips or advice, please feel free to share!

3. Learn an instrument?

Uh, yeah. But what? I have no idea. Rand has mentioned the ukelele a couple of times. Now, by no means am I talking about becoming technically proficient at anything, but I think learning a few songs on some instrument might be a reasonable goal.

4. Learn some ASL

This is something I’ve been wanting to do for years and years and years. Again, if anyone has suggestions of resources (videos? YouTube?), send ’em my way!

That’s probably enough for now…I thought maybe putting it out there into the world would help. I’ll keep you all updated. 😉

Musical nostalgia

So, I’ve been feeling all music-nostalgic lately. Every few days, I seem to be buying some new-old music for my collection and adding it to my iPod.

This is my current favorite old-new purchase:

Now that We Found Love

I’ve also picked up:

  • Strike it Up (Black Box)
  • Poison (Bell Biv Devoe)
  • Motownphilly (Boyz II Men)
  • Connected (Stereo MCs)
  • Unbelievable (EMF)
  • Rump Shaker (Wreckz-n-Effect)
  • Inside Out (Eve 6…one of these things is not like the others…)

I also purchased a Salt-n-Pepa greatest hits CD.

Then today, I saw this posted on a friend’s facebook. (sorry, I tried to embed the videos, but they didn’t cooperate…)

I’m going to be indulging my musical nostalgia a bit more in the coming months, as All Things Jennifer has put me in charge of the soundtrack for some of her pre-wedding festivities. YAY! (I’ve already started making a playlist…)


Sometimes I think about doing something like Kelly’s “Ask Me Anything,” but Im sort of afraid no one will actually, y’know, ask me anything.

Anyway…just one thing before I sign off, for anyone who didn’t see it on facebook already…it’s my grandpa’s 90th birthday today! Happy birthday, grandpa!

me & grandpa again

(That pic is from his 85th…I can’t believe that was 5 years ago!)

Roaring 20s fashion

Just fyi, this post is going to be full of images. 

So, in a few weeks, I and the rest of All Things Jennifer’s Ladies in Red will be celebrating her upcoming nuptials at a Roaring 20s themed bridal shower.

This post is going to be mostly about the clothes. Specifically, mine. 😉

I bought this dress on ebay:

Then I bought this hat (can’t seem to grab the image…sorry!) which I thought would be perfect, but I feel like it looks weird on my head. Maybe I’ll post a photo of that for reference later.

And then there’s this one. I love this, but I’m not sure the brown would look right with the dress:

Then I thought I should have a pair of appropriate shoes…I found this shoe, which is something I might actually wear:

The only place I can find it in anywhere near my size is on ebay, and I’m still worried it’s a half-size too big.

Then there are these, from Target:

Cheap and cute…and assuming they fit, something I will definitely wear.

And then, of course, I’ll add some beads and whatnot…I guess I’m looking for opinions on hats and shoes, if you would be so kind as to share them with me.

Happy Friday!

Looking for your face

in honor of Valentine’s Day, here is my favorite bit of love/mystical poetry:

Looking for Your Face

From the beginning of my life
I have been looking for your face
but today I have seen it

Today I have seen
the charm, the beauty,
the unfathomable grace
of the face
that I was looking for

Today I have found you
and those who laughed
and scorned me yesterday
are sorry that they were not looking
as I did

I am bewildered by the magnificence
of your beauty
and wish to see you
with a hundred eyes

My heart has burned with passion
and has searched forever
for this wondrous beauty
that I now behold

I am ashamed
to call this love human
and afraid of God
to call it divine

Your fragrant breath
like the morning breeze
has come to the stillness of the garden
You have breathed new life into me
I have become your sunshine
and also your shadow

My soul is screaming in ecstasy
Every fiber of my being
is in love with you

Your effulgence
has lit a fire in my heart
for me
the earth and sky

My arrow of love
has arrived at the target
I am in the house of mercy
and my heart
is a place of prayer


100 things-updated!

I updated my “100 things about me” list. Rand had recently suggested that I do this, and making a new blogfriend in the past week made me want to get on that right away. 😉

I’m counting this (with a link to that) as a post for this week…I didn’t have much time to do anything this week, with grades due and having to choose winners for the Dead of Winter Contest (many, many thanks to Eden, btw, for taking the lead on that one).

Someday soon I think I’m going to add some items to that list, which was originally written in 2004! Before I met Rand!

Not tonight, though. I’m off. ‘Night all!

Currently my favorite (food) thing

Pumpkin, cranberry, & apple baked oatmeal

I made a couple of small tweaks to the recipe: I substituted ground flaxseed for wheat germ, added a teaspoon of cinnamon, plus a bunch of other spices (ginger, cloves, nutmeg). I also used vanilla soymilk instead of regular milk.

I made it once over the weekend, and substituted almonds for pecans (because I didn’t have any pecans). I made it again today to eat for breakfast for the rest of the week, using pecans this time. (The almonds were good, though…you could probably use any nut you like)

I am loving this blog, and there are all sorts of recipes I want to try! I’ll be sure to update you when I do…

(emily bites, the blog linked above, is one I found through Pinterest. Come, follow me! Or ask for an invite if you need one…)

Dress arrived!

Source: etsy.com via Erin on Pinterest


If you follow me on facebook, you might have seen me recently wondering about whether or not to buy this vintage dress. I bought it, and it arrived today. It is lovely, fits well (except for maybe some minor alterations in the bodice–it’s a tiny bit loose), and I am SO excited. 😀 It does smell faintly musty, so if anyone has any good advice about how to deal with that, I’d love to hear it!

I am now totally addicted to shopping for vintage (and retro-styled) items. Check out my Pretty Dresses board on Pinterest, if you are so inclined…

I might need to learn to sew…vintage dresses aren’t easy to find in my size (was everyone teeny tiny? or did everyone just use a girdle/corset to squeeze into teeny tiny dresses? Hrm. Anyway, there are lots of vintage patterns for sale on Etsy, but  I have never been good at such things. Maybe time to try again?

Walking music

So, as a part of my “trying to be all-around healthier and happier,” I’ve decided that I’m going to do better with getting some regular exercise. I was doing pretty well with walking in the summer and early fall, and then that kind of, well, went away.

I recently dusted off my gym membership (BAC…I may look for another, less expensive gym when this membership expires…), and I’ve been mostly just walking on the treadmill using my jog.fm iPhone app.

I really like this app–it analyzes your music, and plays music according to the pace of your walk or run. Here are some of my current favorite walking songs:

  • Bad Medicine/Keep the Faith–Bon Jovi
  • Bad Romance/Teeth/Lovegame–Lady Gaga
  • King of Spain–Moxy Fruvous
  • Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It–Will Smith
  • Under the Carlaw Bridge–Lowest of the Low
  • Up!–Shania Twain
  • Without Me–Eminem
  • New Sensation–INXS
  • Happy Girl/My Baby Loves Me–Martina McBride
  • Cold, Cold Heart–Midge Ure
  • Shine/Desperation Song–Carbon Leaf
  • Personal Jesus–Depeche Mode

I like songs that keep me at a decent pace and put a little bounce in my step!  I’m always looking for new things to add, so if you have any suggestions, please share!