
I’m having a meeting with my creative writing club at school, and I’ve asked my students to come up with some writing goals (or resolutions) for the coming year. So, since I’m asking my students to do this, I figure I should do the same!

I’m hesitant about calling them “resolutions,” so I’m going to call mine a loose collection of goals that I resolve to feel no guilt or pressure about. 😉

1. Post something in my blog once a week.

2. Start journaling regularly again.

3. Find more time for reading (for fun).

4. Prepare something (probably a short story) for submission somewhere.

5. Do something during NaNoWriMo this year, even if it’s a smaller goal than a complete novel.

By posting this here, I’m making good on #1 already!

This is not really writing-related, but I’d also like to find more time to work on calligraphy projects…sadly, I have to get caught up on that pile of grading first!!

What goals are you setting for yourself, writing or otherwise?

So this is the new year…

I have a number of random things to throw out there, so this post will be in numbered list form.

1. An awesome time was had by all at the Lowest of the Low New Year’s Eve show at Town Ballroom. See Jen’s post. Many thanks to Jen and Chuck for dragging us out! If you haven’t already seen it on Facebook, lookit this cute pic:



During the show, I tweeted that “Salesmen Cheats and Liars” just wasn’t the same without Lawrence, and he responded by calling me a “doll.” Teehee.

Most awesome exchange between Jen and me during this concert, while the band is playing the song “Winter Sleepers” from Sordid Fiction:

Jen: I don’t like this song.

Me: (shrug) It reminds me of…

Jen: X (code for my ex-bf)! I KNOW! I read something on the Internet today that reminded me of him…Oh, I know…it was a Yahoo article about how not to break up with someone.

Me: *laughs for 10 minutes*

2. I am back to school. I have a ginormous pile of grading to do that I did not do over break that I am procrastinating doing by writing this blog post.

3. I went to the GYM today.

4. In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t spend a lot of time here these days. Here’s a list of other places, complete with links, I can be found online:

Please feel free to follow/friend/whatever me in those places… 🙂

5. I tend to not make resolutions as such, but I’ve been making an effort to be a healthier/happier/less stressed me, and plan to step that up in the coming year. There may be more on this later, unless I get too busy, which is highly likely.

6. I read 47 books in 2011, which is just short of my usual 50 or so…I started reading a 48th, but am not yet finished with it. I was feeling some mild guilt about this, but then I said, “Wait a minute…this is silly.” So I’ve decided that my only reading “goal” for 2012 is to enjoy as many books as I can and not allow myself to feel one second of stress over something I do for fun.  See #5.

7. I think I posted here something like…8 times in 2011? While there’s a part of me that would like to post more, well, see #5 and #6.

8. On that note, I should find something productive to do…happy 2012!

We Are…heartbroken

For a good week or so now, I’ve been struggling to put my feelings about the Penn State scandal into words, wondering if I should even try. I’ve been struggling with the feelings themselves, wondering why it’s hit me so hard.

I didn’t go to Penn State. I don’t live there. I did grow up in Western PA, though, a little over an hour from Happy Valley, in a part of the state that bleeds blue and white. The aunt I idolized is a Penn State grad, as is my grandpa. I thought I’d go there too, until I realized how huge it was and opted for a much, much smaller private school. Several of my cousins went there, as well as countless classmates, and some of my good friends still live there. Penn State is a part of my identity.

When I talked to Rand about this, he said he thought he understood. He said it was kind of like what it felt like being a Bills fan when OJ Simpson was charged with murder. “It’s like they took a piece of your childhood away,” he said.

Yeah, it is kind of like that.

I am a little bit heartbroken.

Something that I think people have failed to notice during all of the uproar, all of the anger, all of the reaction from the media and the Internet, is that people are grieving. Students. Alumni. Citizens. Me.

There doesn’t necessarily have to be a death for people to grieve.

It is unfortunate that some people behaved badly. Some of the things students and fans have said that have been quoted are embarrassing. I imagine some of those people will be embarrassed themselves, after they’ve had time to think, after they’ve been confronted with their words in black and white for all eternity. It’s a shame that those people are all most of the world will see…because most of the Penn Staters I know (and hell, even the ones I don’t) are good people who want to see justice done, to see those who had a hand in this punished, even as it means losing faith in people they believed in. (Oh, Joe Pa…even thinking about it makes me so incredibly sad…)

As I’ve watched events unfold, I have been sad and angry on behalf of my Penn State friends and family when I’ve seen people online mocking the average intelligence of PSU students based on the thoughtless words and actions of a small (but admittedly VERY LOUD) minority. It shouldn’t surprise me…after all, this is what we do, time and time again. I think I will remember this every time I catch myself judging a group based on what a couple of loudmouths with signs are saying.

A little while ago, my friend Jennifer posted a link to this video on Facebook, and that video was the thing that pushed me over the edge to finally write this down. Two of the images stuck with me…both of them what I assume to be students holding signs. One read,

WE ARE….#heartbroken

the other,

WE ARE…going to make this right.

My prayers are with everyone affected by this tragedy. First and foremost, of course, with the victims and their families—they should be the main focus here—but also, with everyone else out there whose heart is a little bit broken because of it.

Click here to donate to RAINN – grassroots effort by a group of PSU students and alumni

Letter from an OSU Fan to Penn State Fans

Notes from inside a burst bubble

So, someone you admire has done something disappointing

(I turned off comments on this post. If you want to comment, please send me an email, or contact me in one of the other myriad ways.)


Dear Hollywood:

How many times will you make this movie?

I was going to make a whole list here, but look! Wikipedia already did it for me!


Book sales = Love

book sale

No matter how many books I have, I cannot resist a good book sale. For the past several years, I have attended the AAUW Book Sale, which is just fantastic. I went twice…once early in the sale, when the selection was still pretty good, and then back for the bag sale on Sunday.

Bag sales are the best. $3 to fill up a paper grocery bag.

book sale

I also keep my eyes open for the local library sales. The Buffalo & Erie County Public Library has made this a lot easier, by adding this calendar to their website. (The libraries also usually have bag days on the last day of the sale!)

book sale

As an English teacher, these sales have been SUCH a huge help in building up a classroom library. I’m probably going to run out of room soon, but I can’t stop! There’s another sale at a nearby library this week, and you can bet I’m going to be there…


When Rand and I first moved in, I was very excited about this little patch of garden area on our patio. I was going to grow herbs! And maybe some flowers! I decided to let it go the first year, because with the wedding and everything, I didn’t expect to have time to get it going.

So last year, I went and got some gardening supplies, and made an attempt to dig in. I failed. I found the dirt hard, filled with rocks and roots, and basically impossible for me to deal with.

And then this happened:

2010-07-20 20.02.49

The condo association had this new fencing put in, and in the process, they left my little “garden” (which was empty, but not in horrible condition) in a mess that was going to make it even more difficult for me to deal with.

2010-07-20 20.03.18

But instead of calling anyone to complain, I just left it like that.

Now, if you’ve ever been a part of a condo/homeowners association, you’ll know that they like things a certain way. Passive-aggressive memos started to appear in the newsletter about keeping your garden area maintained, or else pay to have it removed and have grass planted in its place.

Well, anyway…I called my parents, who are slightly more green-thumby than I am, and we arranged for a weekend for them to come and visit and participate in a festival of gardening! That happened this past weekend, and this is the result:


We planted a collection of herbs (parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, basil, lavender, and cilantro, which I added later), some flowers, and a lilac bush.

I also bought this hanging basket:


We also bought a cover for our grill, so we could leave it out and actually, y’know, use it.


So yay for productive weekends, awesome parents, and really cool aunts who buy herbs for us. 🙂

Things that are annoying

Stupid comments

Earlier this evening, I was alerted to the existence of a website that I will not name. Basically, it consists of fraternity boys (and sorority girls) posting things that make them look like stereotypical asshats. Example:

The worst part of my summer so far has been having to move for my cleaning lady.

Some of them are disgusting. I won’t share any of the truly disgusting ones here. I started to get offended, then wondered if, perhaps, it was meant to be some sort of joke. So I googled.

I found a blog that discussed said website, written by a sorority woman at a university in California. She expressed her concerns about this website, which I definitely share. Then I read some of the comments. Users of the website had come out in droves to attack the blogger, which is why I am not linking or naming it. (you can contact me privately if you want to know.) These commenters all insisted that this website is a JOKE, and god, why don’t you have a sense of HUMOR already. They attacked the blogger personally, called her names, questioned the validity of her claim that she was in a sorority. Some of them were vaguely violent/threatening. The above comment made me especially sad, as it is apparent from the username that this person is a member of the same sorority that I am.

If it IS meant to be a joke, satirical, all in good fun, it’s failing. All it’s succeeding in doing is perpetuating negative stereotypes, misogyny, rape culture, and all sorts of other things that are bad for, well, everyone. And if other people who are/have been a part of Greek life don’t “get the joke”?

Maybe it’s just not that funny.


We Shall Be Free

I used to listen to country music a lot more, before the world went a little bit crazy. I was a pretty big Garth Brooks fan, and I love this song. I heard it today, and I just felt like it needed to be shared.

When we’re free to love anyone we choose,
When this world’s big enough for all different views,
When we’re all free to worship from our own kind of pews,
Then we shall be free.

I wonder what the fans would think of Garth now…