So last night, I went to see the Ron Hawkins Acoustic Revue with Jen and Rachel.
I hadn’t eaten much yesterday…I started off the day with chocolate ovaltine, then a South Beach Diet cereal bar (with protein!), later, I wasn’t all that hungry, so I had an apple and a bowl of cereal at the college. I left class with $3 in my wallet, so I stopped at McD’s for McNuggets and fries.
Met Jen and Rach at Gramma Mora’s for drinks (I had a margarita and a vodka cran).
Went next door to the show, which was fine. The Sidebar seems like a really nice place, but not optimum viewing conditions for a show like this. It was very, very full and very, very warm. All was well. I was enjoying myself, and had a little bit of a buzz going from the drinks. (I’m a total lightweight.)
About halfway through the set, I started to feel REALLY warm, and a little lightheaded. I thought maybe I should go outside for some air, but it was too hard to get through the crowd to the door. Next thing I know, I’m on the ground. Jen and Rachel helped me up, got me outside, and got me a glass of water.
Some people saw me out there and mistook me for the girl who was puking in the bathroom.
We sat outside for a bit, then headed back in. We decided to not try and get back up near the stage, but took a spot toward the back, by the sound board. Couldn’t really see, but it was much less crowded. I was doing fine, completely fine, until almost the end of the set when it happened again. I had that split second “maybe I should go outside” thought, then I leaned on the table. Jen saw me, and kind of put her arm around me, and I thought “If I can just keep myself up till this passes, I’ll be fine.”
My body had other ideas. I ended up on the floor again.
The worst part, I think, was being mistaken for an extremely drunk person.
Some woman brought me a cool cloth and put it on my neck, and then got me a glass of water. Rachel sat with me while Jen went outside and called Rand. We left during the encore, and Jen drove me home.
Today, I seem to be doing fine.
I’m chalking it up to lack of nutrition combined with alcohol. But it was pretty unpleasant and scary. 🙁