Have I mentioned that I’m bored today?

I was browsing Little Stephanie’s blog today and decided to take the online IQ test. Unlike Stephanie, who is an “extraordinary genius,” I’m just a plain ol’ genius. 😉

Thank you for taking the IQ Test at www.IQTest.com.

We are confirming that your IQ Test score was: 143

Compare your score:

Intelligence Interval Cognitive Designation

40 – 55 Mentally disabled (Less than 1% of test takers)

55 – 70 Learning difficulty (2.3% of test takers)

70 – 85 Below average

85 – 115 Average (68% of test takers)

115 – 130 Gifted

130 – 145 Genius (2.3% of test takers)

145 – 160 Extraordinary genius (Less than 1% of test takers)

160+ “Unmeasurable” genius

I am (not) Canadian

But if I were a Canadian province, I’d be Ontario. (Thanks, Stephanie!)

You’re Ontario. You like comraderie and will do
whatever you can to fit in with your desired
crowd. You may even be very exclusive in who
you associate with. Money and status means a
lot to you. But try not to let those desires
rule your life.

What Canadian Province Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Money and status? Me? I wonder which question I answered that gave the quizmaster that idea. Maybe it was the one about the frou-frou drinks. 😉

This is fitting

Found through Jennifer:

You Are a Snarky Blogger!
You’ve got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of.
And that’s why they read your posts as often as they can!

A better day

Well, I am in a much better mood today. Yay.

I did the Bush v. Kerry quiz as seen on All Things Jen(nifer) and then on End of the World. Here are my results:

You preferred Kerry’s statements 67% of the time
You preferred Bush’s statements 33% of the timeVoting purely on the issues you should vote Kerry

Who would you vote for if you voted on the issues?

Find out now!

So, there ya go.

May the schwartz be with yooooooooouuuuuuuu….

Part of my quest to convince R that he really, really needs to see this movie. 😉 (any fans out there? help me!)

You are Spaceballs!
You have a strange obsession with odd furry
creatures and you need to pick your helmet up
when drinking coffee. You can go from suck to
blow in a matter of seconds, but you’re really
just looking for a good time in a winnebago.

Which Mel Brooks Movie Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thanks, Stephanie!

On the cheese bandwagon

Saw this at both Jen’s and Stephanie’s blogs. This is oddly accurate.

I am mozzarella!
Cheese Test: What type of cheese are you?

Although I’m not sure why the graphic so resembles a Zoloft…

I have all the answers

Well, at least five of them. Okay, here they are…the much-anticipated answers to the questions from Annabel Lee. Wanna play? Send me an email or leave a comment. Enjoy! 🙂

1. What’s in your stereo right now, and what does that say about you?

These days, I do most of my music listening either in my car or on iTunes. In my car right now is the brand-new live recording of Lowest of the Low’s recent concert in Buffalo. (this also happens to be what’s most frequently playing on iTunes…)

What this says about me? Other than the fact that I have a thing for indie rockers from Canada? It says that I like my music to have meaning, feeling, resonance. It also says that I enjoy a good concert enough to want to keep reliving the moment.

2. What’s the best present you’ve ever given or received?

This is a hard one. I think that, quite possibly the best present I’ve ever given was to my college boyfriend, K. The first Christmas we were together, I hand-colored and lettered the lyrics to “Storybook Love” from The Princess Bride and framed it for him. He was just enough of a cheeseball to think that was a great gift. Also, I once ordered a DVD of assboy’s favorite band and surprised him with it, completely out of the blue, for no special reason. I was pretty proud of that.

Received? Well, everything I got for my birthday this year (including the surprises!) has to be near the top of the list. I’ve never had so many thoughtful, meaningful gifts given to me all at once.

3. If you could live anyone else’s life for one day — living, dead, or fictional — who would it be, and why? (And what day, if there’s a particular day you’d choose?)

Oh, there are so many ways to go with this one…but I think I’m going to go with shallow fictional fun. I’d love to be Thursday Next and have the chance to live inside Book World for a day. Imagine…hanging out with Hamlet, visiting Middle Earth, tessering across the universe with Meg and Charles Wallace. Yeah, I could get behind that.

4. What is the most out-of-character thing you’ve ever done?

Oh, that would be the time that I surprised Country Boy by showing up at his band’s gig after he stood me up and offered no logical explanation. Full details are available here.

5. Congratulations! You’re winning an Oscar, a Grammy, an Emmy, or a Tony. Which one, and for what?

An Oscar for Best Original Screenplay? Or maybe a Grammy for Song of the Year (which would, of course, be co-written with someone who has actual musical talent. I’m a words girl.). It would definitely have to be a writing award…I don’t sing, nor do I see myself acting in that kind of capacity. Maybe if they gave awards for karaoke….


You're the Cheshire Cat!
You’re the Cheshire Cat. Your mysterious aura and
your penchant for riddles keep your friends
guessing. You dislike staying too long in any
one place. Your advice is always sound, if
somewhat enigmatic. The sum total of this is
that people are always following you and you

Which famous feline are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Interesting results…

Via Jen:

The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 – Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful) High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Low
Level 6 – The City of Dis (Heretics) Low
Level 7 (Violent) Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Moderate
Level 9 – Cocytus (Treacherous) Low

Take the Dante’s Inferno Hell Test

and this one:

My life is rated NC-17.
What is your life rated?