Well, these past couple of weeks have been pretty crazy…school is going well. I have one class that is sure to drive me insane before my time is up, but I guess that’s always the way!
The school has switched from a “regular” schedule to a rotating block schedule this year. That means I don’t see my students every day–I see them three days out of a four-day cycle. Because of the way my planning periods fall, every first and fourth day of the cycle, I teach straight through the day with my only break being lunch. Ouch!
I like my co-teacher a great deal, and having her there to plan with is a huge help to me.
This past weekend was pretty hard…as I mentioned, Rand and I went to Cleveland for a funeral. We got into town late Friday night, and so we got up early to go to the funeral home before the service. Of course, that meant we ended up in the funeral procession, which was odd…but worthwhile, because I felt it was important to see Jen before the service.
The service itself was lovely, and fitting. The song “On Eagle’s Wings” chokes me up a little on a good day, and even though I had braced myself for it (really, have you ever been to a Catholic funeral where it wasn’t played?) it still hit me pretty hard. There was such an incredible outpouring of love and support from both friends and family…Shar was loved by a lot of people.
Just a reminder–the breast cancer walk is this coming weekend. Here’s the page for donations.
And of course, I can’t help but at least note today’s date. We shared a moment of silence in school this morning. My heart goes out to anyone who lost a loved one on September 11, 2001, and to anyone who still has loved ones fighting overseas. That’s all I’m going to say about that…
Ok, I have to run…I’ll post again when I can.