Labor-less Day

I really wish I could have more weekends like the one I just had…

Spent a good deal of time Friday and Saturday with R. Friday night, I got to meet a musician friend of his. He and his girlfriend came over to R’s apartment, and we talked, drank some wine, and played this fabulous game based on the Doonesbury comic strip. (I tried to find a description of it online, but no luck. You’ll have to deal with my incoherent ramblings…)

Here’s how it works…the players move around the board landing on colored spaces, each of which corresponds with a category. For example, the Flashback category requires the player who drew the card to talk for 30 seconds (or so) about a particular event, such as “your first kiss” or “first prison experience.” The other players have to write down three words or phrases that they think the person will say. You get points by matching answers.

Another category asks you to list three things in a category, such as “best TV theme songs.” R and I both put down “Greatest American Hero” on that one…but alas, got no points since neither of us was the player who drew the card. 😉

I spent much of the game losing. Badly. I kept landing on the “Doonesbury” spaces…when you land on these, you have to draw a Doonesbury card which usually causes you to lose points for one reason or another. (at least for me, it did!) On my first trip around the board, I landed ONLY on the Doonesbury spaces.

But there’s a twist…one space directs you to change places with any player. I landed on this space near the end of the game and ended up winning. Woohoo!

Seriously, though, I think it was so much fun because it really allows you to get to know the people you’re playing with. And, with the twist of changing places, you can’t get *too* competitive.

The one downer of the weekend is that I was supposed to get together with my little on Saturday afternoon, and she stood me up. 🙁 I called her house to let her know I was on my way over to get her, and she wasn’t home…

On Saturday, I got to meet another one of R’s friends. I have to say, I have really, really enjoyed meeting all of his friends so far.

On Sunday, I relaxed and enjoyed a quiet night in instead of partying it up with Jackdaw. (I know…what’s happening to me? hehe…) Jen and I watched Lost in Translation, which I thought was simply, achingly, heart-wrenchingly beautiful. I would love to watch this film with someone who understands Japanese, though. I wanted to know what it was that Bill Murray’s character was missing.

Jen and I had both settled in rather early in our cozy clothes and started to watch the movie. About 15 minutes in, it skipped. I tried cleaning it and going back to the spot…nope. Skipped again. Grrr….had to put real clothes back on and return to the evil, soulless video rental store to get a new copy. Smooth watching from that point.

On Monday, we walked over to Jim’s Steak Out to grab some lunch, then to Caffe Aroma. Our original plan was to hang out in the bookstore, but alas, bookstore was closed. I began reading If the Buddha Dated, which made me feel remarkably healthy about my dating life. I think that’s a good sign. 🙂 Most of it was pretty common-sensical, and a good deal of it was similar to the “Calling in the One” book that Jen and I completed earlier this year.

I finished it later that afternoon…then planned my class for this week. Jen and I made a rather late grocery run and made hamburgers. Late-night Labor Day picnic. Whee.

I spent the evening reading Coraline, upon R’s recommendation. I thought it was wonderfully, magically creepy. Very Roald Dahl, which is cool.

(one of these days, I’m gonna figure out how to do that Amazon-linky thing that Jen did, and try and reap some rewards from all of this Amazon whoring.)

And now here I am, back at work. I haven’t managed to do anything of consequence yet. 😛


I just finished Dave Barry Slept Here.

It is among the funniest things I have ever read. Ever. Jen was not kidding. I really did laugh every 2.7 seconds.

Many thanks to the Ontario Emperor for bringing this one to my attention

Who needs sleep?

Um, apparently I do.

I started reading “My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult last night, and I could not put it down. I stayed up until 2:30 am to finish it.

This is why it’s dangerous for me to read. I have no control. 😉

I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes books. It is sad, funny, bittersweet, and completely heart-wrenching. It has an ending that I did not in any way see coming. I thought it was over, and then BAM! Not so much over. I ugly-cried. Really. Sobbing, snot-faced, ugly crying.

The author did an interesting thing, I think, with the narrative. Instead of sticking with one perspective, the story is told in first person from five different perspectives. Risky, but I don’t think there was any other way for the story to be told, and I thought it worked beautifully.

I hope that one day, I’ll be able to write something as beautiful, heartbreaking, and moving as this book was. But I probably won’t…

Literary humor is fun!

I am amused because I started reading Jasper Fforde’s The Well of Lost Plots.

I’m about 150 pages in, and I can’t even count the number of times I’ve laughed out loud.

Summer reading status…

Two down. Twenty-three to go.

I just finished Song of Susannah by Stephen King, the next-to-last installment in his epic Dark Tower series.

I enjoyed it, but as always with these books, I wanted more…I wanted to GET to the END! Augh. This has been going on for way too long. But I see that the final installment will be out in September. Thank the Gods. 🙂

King pulled an interesting trick with this one…he actually wrote himself into the story. It was freaky. Bizarro. But somehow, I thought it worked. He did it well. But the ending? Man…I can’t wait to see how this plays out. (I don’t want to ruin it for anyone. If you’ve read it, and care to comment or discuss, please email me!)

Last week, I finished Alias Grace, which I enjoyed, but I wouldn’t say it was my favorite Atwood. I think I liked The Blind Assassin best so far.

Reading Rainbow

I decided to pledge 25 books for the summer reading program. That’s about two books per week. I think this is more than reasonable. Maybe I’ll offer mini-reviews as I read them, keeping my faithful readers updated on my progress.

I just started Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood. I adore Margaret Atwood.


Some random observations for today…

1. I am really, really antsy about the job I interviewed for the other day. I want to hear from them, like, now.

2. It is crazy windy outside. I almost blew away walking across the street to pick up Artvoice.

3. Gray hairs are annoying. Particularly when they are short, wiry, and silver, and they like to poke up out of your part for all the world to see.

4. My job is boring, and it doesn’t pay enough.

5. My office building is testing the fire alarms today. It’s incredibly irritating.

6. Someone burned microwave popcorn. The smell is making me ill.

7. There are a lot of things I enjoy about, but one of my favorites has to be reading the Dear Prudence column on Thursdays. I believe it was Stephanie who got me hooked on this one. Thanks, Stephanie! 🙂

8. I am nerdily excited about participating in the summer reading program at my second job, the tutoring job. I have to decide how many books I’m going to pledge to read! 🙂

Who decides?

Decides? It is written.

I loved Ros ‘n Guil. Although a rereading of Hamlet may have been in order, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I’d love to see it.

Another line I enjoyed:

We only know what we’re told, and that’s little enough. And for all we know it isn’t even true.

Musings on Joyce

This will be brief. 🙂

I finished “Portrait.” Finally. I’m kind of indifferent about it. I feel better for having read it, understand its greater cultural significance, but I can’t say that I’m in any great hurry to read more Joyce.

The last section, I thought, made for much more interesting reading. I was bored during the whole depiction of hell that was Chapter 3. Chapter 4 put me to sleep. Literally. (I attempted to finish the book last night, but fell asleep on the couch instead.)

A dollar short

So yesterday was Bloomsday…as you may have read in all things jen(nifer), we began reading “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” the other night. She finished. I didn’t…yet.

See, neither of us had previously read any Joyce, and we were told to start with “Portrait” and “Dubliners” before attempting to tackle “Ulysses.” I just so happened to have two paperback copies of “Portrait” on hand. (Yard sales and thrift stores are beautiful things…)

In addition to “celebrating” Bloomsday, this effort is part of my “I need to read more classic literature because now I’m an English teacher” quest.


I meant to finish it last night, but had an awful headache. But I did listen to some brick-throwing Celtic rock. That must count for something…