Currently my favorite (food) thing

Pumpkin, cranberry, & apple baked oatmeal

I made a couple of small tweaks to the recipe: I substituted ground flaxseed for wheat germ, added a teaspoon of cinnamon, plus a bunch of other spices (ginger, cloves, nutmeg). I also used vanilla soymilk instead of regular milk.

I made it once over the weekend, and substituted almonds for pecans (because I didn’t have any pecans). I made it again today to eat for breakfast for the rest of the week, using pecans this time. (The almonds were good, though…you could probably use any nut you like)

I am loving this blog, and there are all sorts of recipes I want to try! I’ll be sure to update you when I do…

(emily bites, the blog linked above, is one I found through Pinterest. Come, follow me! Or ask for an invite if you need one…)


I’m having a meeting with my creative writing club at school, and I’ve asked my students to come up with some writing goals (or resolutions) for the coming year. So, since I’m asking my students to do this, I figure I should do the same!

I’m hesitant about calling them “resolutions,” so I’m going to call mine a loose collection of goals that I resolve to feel no guilt or pressure about. 😉

1. Post something in my blog once a week.

2. Start journaling regularly again.

3. Find more time for reading (for fun).

4. Prepare something (probably a short story) for submission somewhere.

5. Do something during NaNoWriMo this year, even if it’s a smaller goal than a complete novel.

By posting this here, I’m making good on #1 already!

This is not really writing-related, but I’d also like to find more time to work on calligraphy projects…sadly, I have to get caught up on that pile of grading first!!

What goals are you setting for yourself, writing or otherwise?

30 Day challenge – Days 26 and 27

A Picture From One Of The Greatest Days Of Your Life

Erin and Rand

(Photo by Debbie Ohi)

A Picture Of Where You’re From


St. Marys, PA

30 Day Challenge – Day 22

Picture Of You On This Day

Me, today

I just bought a new photo app for my phone, and I was playing with it a bit.  Not the world’s best pic of me, but not terrible either. 🙂

30 Day Challenge – Days 19 and 20

Something that made you smile today

  • Some of my favorite students winning awards at our underclassmen awards ceremony this morning.
  • A colleague telling me how happy she is that I was hired.
  • My wonderful, sweet, amazing husband telling me how happy he is to be with me. 🙂

A 10+ year old picture


Me and Jen with country singer Collin Raye at a concert in Myrtle Beach. I’m having trouble remembering what year this was, but the last time we went to Myrtle Beach was 2000, and I don’t think this was that year.

But here’s another one for good measure:


Me and Lisa, Alpha Delta Pi Spring Party, 1994 (I think).

What’s that? You want to see a pic of me in high school?

me at prom.jpg

That’s me going to the prom in 1990. (Yes, I cropped ex bf out of the photo…)

30 Day Challenge – Day…um…

Yeah, I kinda lost track there. I’m going to skip to Day 17.

A Childhood Picture


I was somewhere around 4-5 in this photo, which makes this the late 70s. That might be the longest my hair has ever been. 😉

When we were kids, people used to think my friend Jennifer and I were related. I didn’t get it then, but looking at this picture, I can kind of see what they were talking about!

30 Day Challenge – Day 11 (redux)

A recent picture of yourself

I have new pictures! Both taken last night at my school’s prom.

Me & Heather

Me at prom

30 Day Challenge – Day 11

Recent picture of yourself

Well, this is the most recent picture of myself I can find that I’m willing to post:


(taken by Jen, on her phone)

30 Day Challenge-Day 8

Pictures of your room

I don’t really want to take pictures of my bedroom, so instead, here are some pictures of my classroom!



Click here for the rest of the challenges.

Miscellaneous thoughts

I’m not going to start by blogging about my lack of blogging, because hello…boring.

I logged in and I noticed that I had several beginnings of posts saved as drafts that I will probably never finish and post, because I no longer care. That happens more and more lately…

I just uploaded a few photos to flickr–things that were on my phone. I still have some stuff on my camera that I will get around to uploading soon. (I love sending photos from my phone–it’s so easy!) Among those photos is one of my little red Chevy Prizm, which I recently said goodbye to. I’d been driving it for nearly ten years, which is about as long as I’ve lived in WNY. That probably needs its own post one of these days…anyway, we bought a Honda Insight, and the Civic is now my driving-to-work car.

I am liking my phone quite a bit, but am finding myself tempted with the idea of an iPod touch so I can have access to apps not available for Droid. It occurs to me that I have never bought a new iPod–I’m on my second hand-me-down from Rand–so it wouldn’t be totally insane. 😉

I’m finding that I’m not reading as much as I would like, and my to-read pile grows by the day. I’m going to have to start making a dent in that. Here’s my current to-read shelf at goodreads, which I’m certain is not complete…not all of those books are in my possession, and I know there are books in my possession that are not on the list.

The last non-school book I finished was my friend Seanan’s book A Local Habitation, which I owe her a review of. I am a BAD FRIEND. (I liked it, by the way. Maybe not as much as Rosemary and Rue, but there was plenty to like. I promise to write a proper review in the next week!!!)

And finally, today was the last day of school before SPRING BREAK, BABY. I am not going anywhere fun/interesting, but I will be enjoying my week off. Whoo!