NaNoWriMo word count

Ok, I got a little bit behind over the holiday weekend, but I’m nearly caught up now:

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
42,029 / 50,000

Thanksgiving was good. Apple pie photos coming soon! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday.


NaNoWriMo word count

I’m not necessarily done for the day, but I had to post this very important milestone:

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
27,000 / 50,000


Just crossed 20k

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
20,008 / 50,000

Normally, I wouldn’t update until the day was over, but I felt like I had to mark this milestone.

Yeah, I’m still a bit behind…but that felt pretty good!

Fantastic weekend!

Many, many thanks to Debbie, who was a wonderful hostess! 🙂

I don’t want to spend too much time blogging, as I need to get writing. (I’m a bit behind on the NaNoWriMo thing, and I don’t want to get further behind!)

Anyway, our weekend in Toronto was much fun. We got to hang out with Jodi and Allison on Saturday, and were treated to a few new Urban Tapestry songs. Yay!

Debbie prepared lots of fantastic foods for us, and made sure we were fed at all times. 😉

We watched Lilo and Stitch, because Debbie couldn’t believe that I hadn’t seen it. Yes, I cried. Several times.

On Sunday, I experienced dim sum for the first time. I’d definitely go back!

I received the fantastic gift of a Will Write for Chocolate t-shirt that Debbie ordered too small. I love it!

You can visit Debbie’s Blatherings for a much more detailed report. (and photos!)

Allison also wrote about our adventures on Saturday.


To days of inspiration

It’s week two, and I’m feeling myself, as predicted, beginning to drag a bit.

I’m writing a YA story…it was meant to be YA “chicklit”, but I’m not entirely certain that’s where it’s going to end up.

Anyway, I’m doing a variation on one of the exercises in “No Plot? No Problem!” and I’m asking for your help.

My main characters are high school students, so I’d like to invite you all to share with me a memorable high school moment, positive or negative. Tell me about that unrequited crush, that nasty girl you just hated, your first kiss…whatever.
If you’d prefer not to leave a comment,  e-mail me at eringoblog [at] gmail [dot] com.

And if anyone’s interested in delving a little bit deeper, let me know!

NaNoWriMo word count

end of week 1

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
12 / 50

Still where I need to be. As far as words go, anyway. 😉

Since I reached my week 1 word count goal (min. 12k), I think I’m going to buy myself a little present…probably something off my Amazon wish list. Hmmm…what should I get?