30 Day Challenge-Day 2

Favorite Movie

My standard answer to this question is these three movies:
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30 Day Challenge-Day 1

Favorite Actor

I will probably cheat on many of these, because I have such a hard time narrowing anything like this down to just one choice.

So, there’s this guy…

paul rudd

And this one…

adam baldwin

And I’ve become a huge fan of this one, too.


And honestly, I could be here all day with this…but here are a few others I can’t go without mentioning:

Victor Garber, Neil Patrick Harris, Matthew Perry, Jason Segel, Alec Baldwin, John C. McGinley, Colin Firth, John Cusack…and I’ll probably remember a whole bunch more two minutes after I post this. 🙂

30 Day Challenge

I saw this over on Kelly’s blog, and I thought it might be a fun way to jump-start my blogging.

You can find the schedule here, if you want to play too. 🙂

Miscellaneous thoughts

I’m not going to start by blogging about my lack of blogging, because hello…boring.

I logged in and I noticed that I had several beginnings of posts saved as drafts that I will probably never finish and post, because I no longer care. That happens more and more lately…

I just uploaded a few photos to flickr–things that were on my phone. I still have some stuff on my camera that I will get around to uploading soon. (I love sending photos from my phone–it’s so easy!) Among those photos is one of my little red Chevy Prizm, which I recently said goodbye to. I’d been driving it for nearly ten years, which is about as long as I’ve lived in WNY. That probably needs its own post one of these days…anyway, we bought a Honda Insight, and the Civic is now my driving-to-work car.

I am liking my phone quite a bit, but am finding myself tempted with the idea of an iPod touch so I can have access to apps not available for Droid. It occurs to me that I have never bought a new iPod–I’m on my second hand-me-down from Rand–so it wouldn’t be totally insane. 😉

I’m finding that I’m not reading as much as I would like, and my to-read pile grows by the day. I’m going to have to start making a dent in that. Here’s my current to-read shelf at goodreads, which I’m certain is not complete…not all of those books are in my possession, and I know there are books in my possession that are not on the list.

The last non-school book I finished was my friend Seanan’s book A Local Habitation, which I owe her a review of. I am a BAD FRIEND. (I liked it, by the way. Maybe not as much as Rosemary and Rue, but there was plenty to like. I promise to write a proper review in the next week!!!)

And finally, today was the last day of school before SPRING BREAK, BABY. I am not going anywhere fun/interesting, but I will be enjoying my week off. Whoo!

Tweet, tweet

I may not be posting here much, but I am hanging out on twitter more these days.

You can catch me at twitter.com/eringoblog (my general tweetage)
or twitter.com/calligbyerin (crafty),
or the newly-launched twitter.com/27chronicles (for all your 27-related needs–email 27 sightings to 27chronicles (at) gmail)

So come and follow me…I promise to follow you back, as long as you’re not porn or a spambot or someone trying to help me maximize my full twitter potential or whatever. 😉

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Oh yeah, I have a blog

Work is very, very busy…but I shall endeavor to make at least quick updates now and then. Also, not that I update it all that frequently, but there’s always my twitter feed. 😉

Bullet points:

  • excited about new TV, although OMG, when do I have time to watch TV? Did watch HIMYM and Big Bang last night. Yay!
  • not reading all that much, now that school is in full force…stalled on two short story collections I was reading, and I continue to plod through Transmetropolitan.
  • I have a bunch of pictures on my camera that need to be transferred to the computer and then uploaded. One of these days…

Um, yeah. I’m already losing focus…that’ll have to do for now. Ta!

How well do you know me?

Yes, this is the quiz that’s been making its way around facebook. I’m amused by it. If you’re not, feel free to move along. 😉

Click here to take it on facebook (if you’re my friend there), or see below the break. I’ll post the answers (with commentary) in the next couple of days.

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