30 Day Challenge-Day 3

Favorite musician

Man, these are hard…

Well, I have to start with the one brought Rand and me together:

(Ron Hawkins)

And there are more after the jump.
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30 Day Challenge-Day 2

Favorite Movie

My standard answer to this question is these three movies:
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30 Day Challenge-Day 1

Favorite Actor

I will probably cheat on many of these, because I have such a hard time narrowing anything like this down to just one choice.

So, there’s this guy…

paul rudd

And this one…

adam baldwin

And I’ve become a huge fan of this one, too.


And honestly, I could be here all day with this…but here are a few others I can’t go without mentioning:

Victor Garber, Neil Patrick Harris, Matthew Perry, Jason Segel, Alec Baldwin, John C. McGinley, Colin Firth, John Cusack…and I’ll probably remember a whole bunch more two minutes after I post this. 🙂

30 Day Challenge

I saw this over on Kelly’s blog, and I thought it might be a fun way to jump-start my blogging.

You can find the schedule here, if you want to play too. 🙂