
The beginning of a semester is always an adventure, trying to get organized and make sure things get off to a decent start. I’m not making any drastic changes to either of my classes, but there are always little things that have to be changed or adjusted.

The cheerleading thing has been a bit of a challenge. Things have been chaotic to begin with, and I’ve had one (out of seven) quit. Ah well…it’s less than a month to go, and (assuming that I’m doing this again next year) it’s just the beginning. I’m sure things will improve.

The weekend was uneventful, but semi-productive. We bought a desperately-needed vacuum cleaner, and I did a bit of cleaning. There’s still more to do, of course.

Yesterday, I had lunch with Jen (something we’ve been trying to do for a couple of weeks now) and spent way longer than I meant to in the mall. I went in for a pair of gloves, as I somehow lost one. I came out with gloves, a cute little denim jacket that was $12, and a shirt that was on a sale rack.

In the mail, I got a pair of jeans that I successfully purchased on eBay. You know how you have that one favorite comfy pair of jeans that you don’t know you’re going to love when you buy them? And then when you go back looking for another pair, they’re nowhere to be found? Yeah, they were those jeans. And I found a pair for $16.50 plus shipping, brand new with tags. Yay for me. 🙂

Okay, gotta go…I have a class to teach!

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