
Originally uploaded by enappe27.

I don’t really know where this sketching thing is coming from. I think it probably started with me responding to one of Debbie’s blatherings about how I used to draw unicorns way back in the day.

I loved art. I did take art classes in high school, after they were no longer required. I took the “regular” art classes where we did a bit of everything–drawing, painting, etc. I also took a ceramics class and a “studio art” class in which we learned things like calligraphy and origami and other things I’m forgetting.

So anyway, back to the doodling…the response to Debbie started it, and then I was wandering around a craft store and sketchbooks were on sale. I picked one up, along with a couple of drawing pencils.

I’m just having fun with it…and I decided to start snapping some photos and created a flickr set to post them. I’m really enjoying exercising the creative part of my brain.

As for the beavers…well, they go back to high school. Long story short, there was this girl nicknamed Beaver (yeah, I know…), and, well, let’s just say that she and I didn’t exactly get along. I used to amuse myself by drawing these little guys and writing stupid messages expressing my, uh, feelings about her.

I remember this serving as a great source of amusement at Model UN my senior year. This guy John and I sat next to each other and cracked each other up instead of paying attention to the security council meeting we were attending. I don’t even remember what country we were. And yet, I remember the beavers. Ah, good times…

3 thoughts on “Doodling

  1. Oh, yes…it’s always fun when a reader *knows* who or what you’re talking about.

    My feelings about her are about the same as yours. Nasty girl, that Beaver.

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