8 thoughts on “Web hosting suggestions?

  1. I just added your blog to Create a Connection.
    This looks like a cool place. I have many blogs to add this morning, but I will be sure to come back later to get to know you some more!


  2. I use warped.com myself; they’re reasonabily priced, very responsive, down VERY infrequently, and generally just…good service that I’ve been happy with for years.

  3. I’m hosting a great deal of sites on the same server you’re using, but I also use GoDaddy for other sites, and haven’t had one problem. Rates are reasonable too.

  4. I’ve been using Dreamhost for quite a while. They have a 1 click install for WordPress. It’s pretty painless and only $10 month. Let me know if you decide to switch. I get a cut and would split it with you or we could jointly donate it to charity or whatever.

    Recently discovered your blog via Eden. Enjoying it!

  5. Go DADDY…I have never ever never ever had a problem…all of my clients are there…once I am done in 12/07 with 3 year arrangement for my personal site, I will be a movin on over there too…

    About 4 bucks a month for a site…

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