Holy crap on a cracker…

I logged into my Toasted Cheese email account  today and got quite a surprise.

Er…let me start at the beginning!

When I was taking German in high school, we signed up for penpals in other countries. We got extra credit for taking a German penpal, but were allowed to take others as well, just for fun.

In addition to my German penpal, I wrote to a girl from Italy and a boy from Australia. Of these three, the only one that really stuck was the Australian boy, whose name was Scott. We kept in regular contact throughout high school, and even a bit into college. We lost track of each other, and I always kind of wondered what happened to him.

Well, thanks to the magic of the Internet, I don’t have to wonder anymore! He located me on TC and wrote to find out if I was, in fact, the Erin that he used to write to.

How cool is that?


6 thoughts on “Holy crap on a cracker…

  1. It’s a small world after all. (And not just because Disney animatronics say it’s so.)

    Love your blog by the way, I found it recently and started lurking. Good stuffs. 🙂


    “Holy crap on a cracker…”

    I’m unfamiliar with this phrase.

    Is it a B’low/WNY expression of surprise and amazement?

    Could it be a culinary variant of the downstate expression ‘holy shit!’?

  3. Holy crap on a cracker?? Is this a colloquialism from western New York or north central Pennsylvania? It is not one I am familiar with for sure. But I might use it someday and I want to know where to send the royalties.

  4. I’m pretty sure I just made it up. However, if someone comes forward and says I stole it, I wouldn’t argue. 😉

  5. Pingback: In 2007, I… at erin-go-blog!

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