Computer woes

As you know, Bob, I got a new Wacom tablet this week. I installed the driver and the software, and everything seemed to be working fine.

Yesterday, I went out to dinner with Rand and LT. When I came home, my computer had gone nuts. After a couple of restarts, it appeared that the problem was with my trackpad button. I can scroll around with the trackpad, but I can’t click.

Oddly, the problem seems to be affecting Rand’s computer too. (We share a wireless network, but no software or hardware was installed on his computer.)

When Rand went to work today, he tried doing some troubleshooting, and we tried a few things. I discovered that if I plugged the Wacom tablet back into my computer, I can operate everything using the pen or the mouse, but I still can’t use my trackpad button. I downloaded and installed a brand new driver (released yesterday) from Wacom, but that didn’t solve the problem.

I’ve got an appointment with the Apple geniuses at 1. In the meantime, if anyone has any ideas, send them my way.


I was packing up to go to my genius appointment and accidentally clicked on something, and it worked. I rebooted my computer to make sure it still worked, and it did. I started Rand’s computer to make sure it worked, and it did.

The only thing I did? I emptied my trash. Go figure.

Genius appointment canceled, everything looking ok for now.

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