This week has felt unbearably long and tiring for some reason. So long, in fact, that I gave myself today off. I wanted to try and find some relief for my back/shoulder pain. I wasn’t able to get an appointment today, but I’ve got one for Monday, so yay…I’m very happy it’s the end of the week, even though I’m looking a relatively busy weekend.

Congratulations to Rand’s brother and sister-in-law, who had a baby this week! We’re probably going to be seeing them tomorrow. πŸ™‚

I ventured out briefly today and got myself a yoga mat at Marshalls. (there were “higher-end” mats there for not much more $, but the one I got has its own little mesh bag w/strap for carrying.) I was also lured in by the book outlet next to Marshalls and ended up buying three books. (they were so cheap! I couldn’t resist.)

OH! and my contributor’s copy of Buffalo Spree came today. The very first thing in the issue’s Money section (which was the focus of the May/June issue)? The profile I did of Adam English! Yay! I also profiled Thomas and the principal of Tapestry Charter High School.

There was one sad little snafu…my name is spelled wrong in the issue. Ah well.

Also profiled, though not by me, Buffalo’s sexiest bagpiper. πŸ˜‰ (He plays a mean accordion as well. And don’t forget the penny whistle!

I also got a cute pair of Tevas, which I found online for a very reasonable price. Yay! Photos to come.

2 thoughts on “TGIF!

  1. That is a fun-filled day and it’s not even quittin’ time!

    Your Inky Mood is appropriate.

    Congrats on the credit Ms Knappe πŸ˜‰

  2. Way to go on the article! I wish the Spree would post more of their articles online… definitely a detraction for me (unless I am missing s/th). I’ll have to find me a Tree Copy and read the piece! πŸ™‚

    Interesting that of all the posts they could pick to spotlight @ jennimi it was my “joining the 21st century and getting a cell phone” post. Sigh.

    Kudos for “bringing it” to the Spree, lady.

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