This is a little long, but it made my Lloyd Dobbler-lovin’ heart smile:
Sigh…is there anyone who didn’t want Lloyd standing outside her window with a boom box?
This is a little long, but it made my Lloyd Dobbler-lovin’ heart smile:
Sigh…is there anyone who didn’t want Lloyd standing outside her window with a boom box?
When I see EW, I think, “Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww,” not Entertainment Weekly.
It’s unfortunate.
My mom didn’t want him outside her window….
Eeeeeeeheehee, that was *great*. And worth it especially for that kickin’ cover at the end. I’ll have to go look for that. I love covers that do something different. (I used to say “I love weird covers” but they’re no longer “weird” to me, most of ’em.)
And yeah, I can tell you *I’d* have been climbing out the window and down the trellis for John Cusack…