Where does the time go?

Is it really Friday already? Is it really about to be July? How does this happen??


A quick report of the weekend…Rand and I attended Conterpoint in Rockville, Maryland. We could hardly pass up the opportunity to see Tony and Vixy, Seanan, and Wild Mercy all in one place! They were all fantastic, as were the other concerts.

Wild Mercy made me cry twice…once with their rendition of Hallelujah, and again with a new song that was basically that scene in Titanic, when the mom is telling a story to her kids to get them to go to sleep so they don’t realize they’re gonna die…except on a spaceship. Yeah. *sniff*

Jen, who plays harp and sings with Wild Mercy, has the cutest baby in the world. (yes, all babies are the cutest babies in the world…) Seriously, though…baby Maddie was so happy and content all weekend, even with hundreds of strange people about.

baby maddie

I’m sure there were a million things I wanted to say about the weekend, and maybe I’ll remember them at some point. 😉

I also managed to squeeze in a visit with my college friends Holly and Mary (and their families), who both live in Maryland.

mary, me, holly

We ate at the Cheesecake Factory, and I finally got to meet Mary and Holly’s children. It only took me three years to meet Holly’s!

Anyway, yay for time spent with friends, both old and new. 🙂

1 thought on “Where does the time go?

  1. Here’s some more useless information you’ve come to expect from me. 🙂

    *Anthony Michael Hall sings Hallelujah on the soundtrack to The Dead Zone TV show. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    *Bon Jovi did it on their recent “Unplugged” show. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Jeff Buckley’s is the best version, imo. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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