
Kelly tagged me. Here goes.

INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.

1. The Urban Recluse
2. No Smoking in the Skull Cave
3. Electronic Cerebrectomy
4. Byzantium’s Shores: The Occasional Meditations of yada yada yada.
5. erin-go-blog!

Next, select five people to tag.

1. Samantha
2. Caoimhe
3. Stephanie
4. Ensie (ha! got you back…)
5. You!

(Seriously, I won’t be hurt if you don’t do it…)

And now for the questions!

What were you doing ten years ago?

In 1997, I was settling into my first real job as a reporter at the DuBois Courier-Express and getting used to the idea that K was indeed not coming back.

What were you doing one year ago?

Lamenting the fact that I had deleted my blog’s database. *weep*

Five snacks you enjoy.

1. Berries
2. Craisins and almonds mixed together
3. Doritos
4. Popcorn
5. Ginger (both chocolate-covered and regular!)

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics.

1. American Pie
2. Brown-Eyed Girl
3. The entirety of Jesus Christ Superstar
4. Black Monday
5. The Girl That’s Never Been

Five things you would do if you were a billionaire.

1. Pay off all debt for myself and family members.
2. Get married/buy a house without worrying about how much it costs.
3. Donate a bunch of money to my favorite charities.
4. Earmark a bunch for the scholarship fund at Allegheny.
5. Invest well, live off the interest, and write. 😉

Five bad habits.

1. Procrastination
2. Spending more than I should
3. Drinking soda (or pop)
4. Not finishing things I started
5. Puttering

Five things you like doing.

1. Watching my favorite shows
2. Reading
3. Voting for Democrats (I like that, Kelly…I’ll leave it!)
4. Baking
5. Cuddling

Five things you would never wear again.

Again? Assuming that means things I’ve once worn…

1. Stirrup pants. Leggings of any kind, really, but mostly stirrup pants.
2. Tube tops
3. Polyester pantsuits
4. Bubble skirts
5. Uncomfortable shoes

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