To days of inspiration


Kelly at Byzantium Shores has bestowed upon me the honor of “inspirational blogger.” His blog inspires me greatly, and I need to acknowledge that before I go on to name my own inspirational bloggers. I love the way Kelly puts words together. He has made me laugh, made me cry, and made me think, and I’m very happy to know him.

And now…

I’ve mentioned her before, but Seanan McGuire never fails to inspire me. She’s a writer, musician, artist and all-around cool chick. She writes posts like this one, among other things.

Create a Connection is a sort of community of creative bloggers, created and hosted by Melba. I find a tremendous amount of inspiration there.

My dear friend Stephanie has a food blog, and I always find myself inspired by the incredible-looking treats she posts there!

Eden inspires me in different ways all the time, whether it’s by writing a fantastic novel that makes me cry, being one of the coolest, hippest moms on the planet, or just being brazenly, unabashedly herself.

And finally, Jen.  Jen puts her heart and soul into everything she does like no one I’ve ever known, and she puts it all out there for the world to see.

Now, go forth and inspire! Or be inspired! Or, y’know, some combination of the two…

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