I’m Casey McCall, alongside Dan Rydell…

So, Rand and I have been watching Sports Night on DVD. Approximately 7 people watched Sports Night when it originally aired on ABC, and I was one of them. I don’t know what made me watch it, really. I probably caught the beginning of an episode by accident, because the premise (behind the scenes at a Sportscenter-type sports show?) didn’t exactly call out to me.

But watch, I did, and I loved every minute of it. I’ve been wondering what the rest of the cast has gotten up to…I mean, Felicity Huffman is busy being a Desperate Housewife, but I haven’t seen the lovely and charming Sabrina Lloyd in anything since Ed. (a quick trip to IMDb tells me that she’s been on Numb3rs, but I’ve never seen that…and apparently, Joshua Malina’s been spotted there as well.) Josh Charles did some episodes of Six Degrees, but I’ve never seen that either.

And then, of course, there’s Peter Krause. Peter Krause was great on Six Feet Under, of course. And now he’s starring in this season’s Dirty Sexy Money. Rand heard good things about that show, and so we recorded the pilot. I didn’t want to like it.

But guess what? I liked it. I’m on board. The pilot was very well done–introducing a large cast, providing all the necessary background, and introducing the mystery that’s going to drive the show. Good stuff.

I also watched the pilot episodes of Chuck and Reaper, both of which were a lot of fun. Chuck is like a cross between Alias and…um…something funny. Reaper is like “what if Xander from Buffy got his own show.”

Good Lord, that’s a lot of TV! What are you watching? What are you excited about??

Hope you’re all having a good weekend.

6 thoughts on “I’m Casey McCall, alongside Dan Rydell…

  1. You know what I’m watching this weekend! 🙂

    My sister DVR’d the season premiere of The Office for me since I was working and forget to set my VCR. I’ll watch that sometime before the weekend is over. I’ve heard mixed reviews about it.

  2. Ha! I like that description for Reaper. I got a kick out of that show as well. It’s very Kevin Smith.

  3. Sports Night has a relatively big and active following over at LiveJournal – including several fanfic communities.

  4. i am also one of the 7 sports night fans. loved that show. so well written. sabrina lloyd was on the first season of numbers, then they got rid of her and got diane farr. bad move.

  5. Jeff and I recently started watching some recorded episodes of Gray’s Anatomy. Have you ever seen it? I cry at least once every episode. We’re nearly finished Season Two.

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