Various and sundry

I am Miss Crabby-Pants today. Watch out…

*Last night, Samantha hosted a little get-together in honor of Rand and his promotion to the directorship of the D’Youville College library. Yay! Many good friends were in attendance (including Jen and Mark and Thomas), and some others couldn’t make it, but sent their congratulations. It was a lovely evening, filled with food, drink, and good conversation. I took a few (but not many) photos, which I will post later…

*On Friday, I got the *official* word (meaning I signed paperwork) that my long-term placement has been extended to the end of January. Woohoo! A little more $$, and a little more time to figure out what happens next…

*I decided that there is no bloody way my schedule would allow for NaNoWriMo this year, so I signed up for NaBloPoMo instead. (I’m “eringoblog”) I’m pledging to post every day in the month of November. I’m thinking I might give myself some sort of schedule or posting challenge to make it more interesting for myself.

*Eden‘s all famous again. Last week, she was interviewed for a story in the Washington Post. But that’s not all! On Monday, a crew for Good Morning America is coming to her house to interview her for a segment. oooooh…

I’m certain there was more, but I’m tired and cranky and I have grading to do. Later!

2 thoughts on “Various and sundry

  1. “On Monday, a crew for Good Morning America is coming to her house to interview her for a segment. oooooh…”

    I can only think of that scene in WHAT ABOUT BOB? now! “Mashed potatoes and gravy, Marie.”

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