Blog potpourri

I owe a reading, watching, listening post, which I will get around to soon…but until then, here’s a few tidbits:

The new issue of Toasted Cheese is up. And I need to get the newsletter out!

NaBloPoMo is over, and I made it! Woohoo! Not nearly as impressive as finishing NaNoWriMo, no, but I’m still pleased.


That fabulous little badge is courtesy of partofeverything. Thanks! 😀

Via Emma, I heard about National Photo Posting Month:

Thomas Brock has started NaPhotoPoMo – also known as National Photograph Posting Month. Thus far, it’s going to be in February, but that’s subject to change. The challenge is simple. Just take a picture and post it on your blog each and every day of the month.

I thought that sounded like too much fun to pass up, so I’m in. It’s open to anyone, so go on over and sign up!

And finally, I had a photo selected for Schmap!! Buffalo in the nightlife section. It’s a photo of Rand playing with Greg Klyma and Tom Bianchi at Nietzsche’s

let's talk about cher

I’m sure I’m forgetting a thing or two. Updates about the weekend (and photos!) to come.

2 thoughts on “Blog potpourri

  1. Pingback: Photo-Walking: Beaufort’s Old Burying Ground and Fort Macon. » Brock Log (BLog)

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