Weekend wrap-up (part 1)

It was once again a busy weekend, but in a good way!

Friday night, All Things Jennifer hosted a girls’ night get-together complete with cookies and festive drinks. She also organized donations for Literacy Volunteers–many of the people who attended brought books to donate.



I brought a book, brownies, and hot chocolate fixings, including Butterscotch Schnapps–my favorite addition to cocoa! I picked up Samantha and we rode together, and that was nice.

It was fun meeting some new people and seeing others that I hadn’t seen in a while.

jen and erin

jen and samantha

(side note–does anyone have any good advice for avoiding redeye, other than “learn to use photoshop”?)

Thanks to Jen for hosting, and here’s to more friendly get-togethers in 2008!

I’ll be posting part 2–farewell to Lowest of the Low–later tonight or tomorrow.

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