Day off report

So I was especially happy to have the unexpected day off because Rand has been sick, and I’m feeling a bit under-the-weather myself…not full-blown sickness, but like it’s trying to get me. I broke out the Zicam and bought some Airborne upon the recommendation of a friend. Here’s hoping.

I had originally thought I’d get all kinds of things done today, but my body told me it needed to rest, and so rest I did. Rand and I watched some TV…finished season 2 of My name is Earl and watched some more Buffy. Oh, and I napped a little. And drank a lot of water. Exciting life, huh?

The bad thing is, I had a whole stack of papers I had planned to tackle during my planning periods today. I’m leaving early tomorrow to go to the doctor (not illness related…I’ve had this appointment scheduled for months) AND I need to prepare sub plans for Friday. Meh.

I’ve been away from the computer for most of the day, and I expect that trend to continue…the next couple of weeks are going to be pretty busy for me. Hope everyone’s doing well!

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