Friday photo-violet


It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Friday photo. I like this one that I took last week of my African violet. It’s been doing quite well…it doesn’t bloom all that frequently, but when it blooms, boy, does it bloom!

I wish I would have cleared all of the junk out of the background, but otherwise, I really like this photo…something about the color, the light and the shadow, is appealing to me.

I’ve been fairly quiet this week, but I do have lots of things to say. Just nothing of vital importance. 😉

2 thoughts on “Friday photo-violet

  1. Is that one from my grammy, or a different one??

    I can never get enough light aimed at mine…it rarely blooms (but grows and grows), and when it does, manages to hide the flowers from me till they’ve died off.

  2. Stephanie, I can’t remember where this one came from! I lucked out with the light. This place has the *perfect* amount of light coming in the front window.

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