People are ridiculous

It might be a mistake for me to post this, but here I go anyway…

I just logged in to get the following message on myspace:

u know we have a family here and i dont really appeciate single women contacting my husband (name omitted) and kids father-GET A LIFE AND UR OWN MAN

I would like to respond, but I think that would be an even bigger mistake than posting this here. The husband and father in question is a guy I went to high school with.Β  (I *gasp* went to a dance with him once. When we were sophomores. Oh, and there was some harmless flirting senior year when we both had significant others away at college.)

At any rate, I’ve been out of high school for sixteen years. I don’t need this crap.

OMG we friended each other on myspace! And even sent a message! I must want to sleep with him!
For the record, sweetie, if you’ve wandered over here…I *have* a life, AND my own man, tyvm. I have zero interest in stealing yours away.

Good lord.

12 thoughts on “People are ridiculous

  1. Sounds like they must be having some problems and she probably thinks he’s cheating or something. Unfortunately, she doesn’t realize she needs to talk to HIM not you. It’s kinda sad. Did you respond to her email at all?

  2. I’m sorry, but that was hilarious! I think I’m going to be wandering around all day going, “GET UR OWN MAN!” πŸ˜‰

  3. So…apparently I’ve missed out on what an absolute STUD David is. I got the same messge in my inbox, and as you probably recall, I didn’t even remember who he was until you reminded me. What really tickles me about this message is that she expects us to take her seriously when she obviously has difficulty mastering the english language. Sorry…too funny.

  4. Perhaps it isn’t you, but him. Perhaps he has been cheating on her using Myspace and you were contacted him at the wrong time.

  5. seriously psycho. i would forward the message to him, tell him i’m deleting him as my friend, and that’s why.

  6. I would agree with Stephanie. You need to tell him that you don’t want to cause any problems in their family and that you cannot be friends with him and it’s because of his wife.

    Wow. This girl doesn’t even know that “u do have ur own man.”

    What grade is she in that she has to use text message speak in a myspace message to you?

    I have a lot of guy friends from work who are married. Many of them I know their wives. They should know that I would never make a move on a married guy.

    There is one who I’ve been friends with her husband since 2005. I guess he talks about me a lot to his wife. When I see her in person (with him) on different occasions she always makes some nasty or snarky comment to me. The last big one was “Oh! Look how many grays you have in your hair!” Gee thanks. I needed that.

  7. Wow. Someone has some self-esteem issues. It’s a shame that she’s taking her anger and frustration out on other people.

    I wonder if you weren’t “single,” would she have had the same problem w/ your “friend” status?

  8. Email her back and tell her it’s secretly HER you’re after-adding him was just a ploy! BWAHAHAHAHA!

    (came over after seeing this in Eden’s shared items. I’m not creepy. I swear)

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