I’ve spent the better part of the afternoon looking at fountain pens on the internet. Here’s what I’m considering buying:
Duke Silver Filigree Ruby (I know nothing about this pen, but it’s a really good price, and it’s really nice looking!)
These range in price from the cheapest being $6.99 and the most expensive being $34. Anyone with any expertise in this area want to offer an opinion?
Ooops. I guess I’m in trouble. 😉
I can only speak to the Phileas and Kultur, both of which are excellent pens. I haven’t had any problem with them start up after not being used for a while and they both are very smooth writers. I would rate my Phileas a bit smoother, but I think that’s because it has a medium nib instead of a fine. As for the Pelikan Pelikano, I’ve been looking at that one myself, so if you get it, let me know how you like it. Of the last two, I’ve only ever heard of the Hero and the peeps on Fountain Pen Network seem to rate Hero pens pretty well. The Duke? Would that be the type of pen John Wayne used? 🙂
Erin, before I make any recommendations, I suggest that you first consider which size pen would be most comfortable for you to hold for longer writing sessions. I feel that comfort is very important. The Waterman Phileas and Kultur are nearly identical pens, except for the amount of bling. The Phileas has more gold trim. They are both excellent pens and considered an excellent value by fountain pen users. The Pelikano is also an excellent pen. Its looks are more informal and has a smaller, stamped nib. Personally, I think the Watermans and the Pelikan are both superior to the Parker Vector. I’ve never used the Hero, but they have a reputation for being hit and miss for quality control. I’ve heard some good things about Duke pens, but make sure the looks and weight are suitable for you. There are lots of other fountain pens out there. One good source for information and to get your questions answered is fountainpennetwork.com.
I love fountain pens, unfortunately I lost the cheap but awesome ones I bought as an exchange student in France back in the day. Makes me want to buy one…
I’d try them out if you could, even though they look nice you may not like how they feel or write. I’m very particular about the pens I buy, even the cheap ball point pens. I know I’m a total dork.
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I’m not familiar with that particular Pelikan, but they are a very fine manufacturer of fountain pens. I have two of their more expensive models, and they’re wonderful. Make sure that if you get one that only uses bottled ink that you’re OK with that. I own two Waterman Phileas’s, and they’re an excellent “entry level” fountain pen. It’s the same pen that comes with Waterman’s generic “intro to calligraphy” set, if I remember correctly. Waterman’s ink cartridges are easily found at Office Max’s in the area, if you prefer those to bottle ink. The Phileas is a pleasantly fat-bodied pen (I dislike pens that are too skinny, which is why I don’t like the classic Cross ballpoint), but it’s surprisingly light, being entirely made of plastic.