Sigh. I want an iPhone.
I am filled with envy as I watch my Canadian friends and acquaintances shout with glee over receiving their new iPhones.
The problem? I’m a Verizon customer. Stupid Steve Jobs and his stupid deal with AT&T. My contract is up in December…do I make the move?
This makes me a little sad, because I’ve been happy with Verizon since I first got my cell phone. Plus, a bunch of my family members are on Verizon, which means free in-network calls. Who has AT&T? Are you happy with their service?
The options, as I see them, are as follows:
1. When my “new every two” is available (in a couple weeks), I can get a wannabe iPhone from Verizon.
2. I can wait out my contract and switch to AT&T.
3. I can do nothing and wait until Apple breaks the contract with AT&T and offers the iPhone on other carriers.
What do you think? π
Well, I’ll note that we switched away from AT&T, after being with them thru 3 (or was it 4?) name changes, and two moves. I had finally had it with the customer service department, particularly after we moved to IA. It was nice having a family plan that included 4 phones, national calling (no roaming), and the reception/coverage was generally pretty good (other than the cell phone black hole that is our current house).
We switched to another company, and sadly, we’re not all that impressed with the newer service, and will likely be shopping for a new provider (again) when the contract is up next year.
The iPhone is pretty and all, but I don’t know that I’d switch just to get one.
Emma from Eriepressible sent me here because she knows I have an iPhone. Bottom line: I love it. I was a Verizon customer and after having bad reception and crappy customer service, I decided when my contract ended that I would switch to AT&T and buy an iPhone. I have better reception, good customer services, and I love the rollover minutes that AT&T offers. I never go over! I do not have the newest iPhone but I’m satisfied with the one that I have. I can get directions, check email, listen to music, and do all sorts of great things. I love having the internet at my disposal too. Plus you can take great little pictures with the phone.
I don’t know if I would break your contract with Verizon. I had a dispute with them about the timing of mine but I got out of the early termination fee.
Good luck! I say buy it!
I’ve seen Andrea’s iPhone in action and it’s pretty cool. Al and I* are contemplating getting rid of our “land line” and having just cell phones. My contract with Verizon actually expired in May and I’m considering switching to AT&T to get an iPhone, but keep putting off the decision. I need to do a little more research on the monthly costs, etc., but the ability to be able to blog from my phone? Oh. Scha-wing.
There’s a crack for it for those who have T-Mobile.
I’m sure if you google it, you will find the crack for the iPhone for Verizon.
Hey Erin…
I WON an iPhone yesterday and I just wanted to tell you that it’s awesome. The reception is head and shoulders above what I had with Verizon. I’m just learning the features, but so far, it’s a home run.
Thanks, Emma….congrats on winning the phone! Now I have even more to be jealous of. π