I’ll take potpourri for $200, Alex

Weekend…we had a lot of fun. Curtis is a great guy, and I’m very glad I got the chance to meet him!

Feel free to email me if you want to know anything more…

It’s kind of a strange day…some might remember that back in, oh, November, I was inspired to email the college boyfriend, K. I wanted to say hello, see how he was doing, and basically let him know that I wasn’t harboring any bad feelings.

He wrote back. Today.

The short version of the story? He found God. And got married. I think in that order, but I’m not quite sure.

Can I get an “Amen”?

One of the best things that has happened to me the last few years is that I’m now a born-again Christian. That’s been the most life altering thing that’s ever happened to me. It’s a long story how that happened, so I won’t go into too much detail, but God really put me in a position where I could only depend on Him and He’s come through like I could never have imagined. You might think I’m off my rocker, but that’s okay…so does my family.


He said he wanted to respond to my email, but wasn’t sure if it was “appropriate.” Huh? Oh, and he also said that his wife probably wouldn’t be thrilled that he was writing to me. Again, huh? My guess is that he confessed all of his past “sins” to her before they got married. 😉

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