
I’ve thought for a while now that I might have a touch of Seasonal Affective Disorder. I always tend to be a bit of a homebody at heart, but during the winter, I am a hardcore coccooner. I nearly go into hibernation mode. (I’m fairly certain I would hibernate, if my life would allow it…)

Of course, I get out to do the things I *have* to do, and I even occasionally do things that aren’t necessary, but I pretty much have to be dragged. It even gets hard for me to do the things I like doing, like my weekly yoga class.

In these dark, cold winter months, I seem to be more emotional, more easily agitated, more prone to…well…sadness, and I have a harder time snapping myself out of it. I’ve been feeling it pretty hard these past few days…probably compounded by the fact that I’m missing Rand.

Today, it was nice to see the sun for a bit. It would have been even better if I had not decided to enter a Wal-Mart. It was like the locusts had descended. Augh. Not pretty.

Anyway, if anyone has any advice to offer, I’d be happy to hear it!

1 thought on “S.A.D.

  1. Vitamin D (I take cod liver oil capsules) really helps. When there is sun, try to be in it for at least 15 minutes, with your glasses off/contacts out (it is absorbed through the eyes, apparently), as much as skin. If PMS is a factor, taking a calcium/magnesium supplement the ten days before your period can actually erase all symptoms. A B-vitamin is a good idea whenever you are feeling low, too. Most women our age are deficient in both calcium and B.

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