Good news

Last week, I read about a long-term sub position in a school district where I’d recently interviewed. I thought the ad was for the same position for which I’d already applied.

I called the district’s HR secretary, who checked to see if my application was on file. It was not. Grr…I downloaded a new one, filled it out, and hand delivered it to the district office on Tuesday. (and kept a copy this time. I’m learning…)

Last night, I got a call from the head of the interviewing committee. They’re interviewing me on Tuesday. Yay!

I also learned that it is *not* the same position. The other interview was at School District East. This one is at School District West. (Most of the larger districts around here have two high schools, usually called “East” and “West.” Except for the one that’s “North” and “South.” They just had to be different, I guess.)

Keep sending those positive vibes my way…I’m gonna need ’em… 🙂

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