50 Book Challenge

As seen at All Things Jennifer and Bookslut, I, too, am going to take the 50-book challenge.

Heck, I easily made that last year, and I only really started counting around June. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Already have read:

50. If Grace is True…Why God Will Save Every Person

I found this fascinating…I’ll need to get the book out to properly blog about it, because I underlined. A lot.

49. Factoring Humanity

Fabulously well-written science fiction. I’d read another book, Calculating God, by the same author. R had it and recommended it to me. He then bought me this one for Christmas, and I finished it in an afternoon. As I told R, it’s great to read sci fi that doesn’t make you feel like you’re being lectured at. Sawyer’s books are truly about the people AND the ideas. Great dialogue, well-drawn characters, and really cool ideas. Thumbs up. ๐Ÿ™‚

48. Brooklyn Dreams

Very interesting, well written and well drawn graphic novel.

Currently reading:

47. Bird by Bird
46. Moonshadow

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