Oh, they gave me such a headache yesterday. The seventh graders were bouncing off the walls. I let them play a game to review the unit we just covered, and they were *crazy*. My eighth graders were good in the morning…they were little angels at Mass…but by the afternoon, well…let’s just say they were not at their best. I think I’m going to have to give them assigned seats. Their teacher had them in pairs, but I think we’re going to have to go to regular old rows.
Last week, the girls told me that a fourth grader asked if I was single. Ha…
I had brought in some magnetic poetry, and was having a problem with the kids writing, ah, inappropriate things. I posted a note, which only succeeded in having them mix up the words before I saw them. At Barnes & Noble the other night, I found a “high school” edition…with school-related words. I brought that in, put up some new words, and took down some of the questionable ones. Like sausage. And wet. And lick. Etc. We’ll see how that goes. 😉
The other night, I graded papers for my night class. My Wednesday class…oy vey. They were so bad. SO bad. And 90% of them wrote about “The Yellow Wallpaper.” I wanted to kill myself by the time I was done reading.
I’m pretty sure I’m going to postpone the jury duty. Yeah, it’s a risk that when I’m called again, it’ll be at a worse time, but I’ll take the chance.
Argh. Ok, back to class for me…